Working with a Fairfax Sex Crimes Lawyer

Sex Crimes in Fairfax Virginia

In Fairfax Virginia, the prosecutors are known to deal with the sexual crimes offenders aggressively. By dealing with sex offenders aggressively, they are better able to prove the convicted criminal guilty and reduce the overall crime rates. However, if a particular person is convicted of committing a sexual crime in Fairfax, the judges and the prosecutors will be strict with the offender and upon proving guilty they will make sure the offender faces harsh punishments.

What is a sexual crime in Fairfax Virginia

In Fairfax Virginia, Sexual crime is defined as a sexual act that is forcefully performed with a victim without their consent. The sexual crime is further divided into multiple categories with their respective penalties. According to the majority of previous cases, the sexual crimes are conducted by known people including family members, office colleagues, or acquaintances, therefore, the legislators and law enforcement authorities of Fairfax are very strict and harsh while dealing with the sexual offender.

Types of sexual crime that can lead to imprisonment in Fairfax Virginia

  • Aggregated Sexual Battery
  • Rape
  • Date Rape
  • Marital rape
  • Statutory rape
  • Indecent exposure
  • Online sex crimes
  • Pornography and its solicitation
  • Pandering
  • Prostitution
  • Solicitation

Punishments for committing a sexual crime in Fairfax Virginia’

Sexual crime is most often treated as class 1 misdemeanor or class 6 felony, however, the penalties for sexual crime differ with the type of sexual crime and its sensitivity, such as:


  • Classification: felony
  • Punishments: 5 years to life imprisonment

Forcible sodomy:

  • Classification: felony
  • Punishments: 5 years to life imprisonment

Object sexual penetration:

  • Classification: felony
  • Punishments: 5 years to life imprisonment

Marital sexual crime:

Aggravated sexual battery:

  • Classification: felony
  • Punishments: from 1 to a maximum of 20 years imprisonment along with $100,000 fine.

Sexual battery:

  • Classification: felony
  • Punishments: 12 months of imprisonment along with a maximum fine of $2,500.


  • Classification: felony
  • Punishments:
  • 12 months of imprisonment along with a maximum fine of $2,500
  • If with daughter or granddaughter, son or grandson: 1 to 10 years of imprisonment along with a maximum fine of $2,500.

How could a Sexual Crime Lawyer Help?

A Sexual crime defense lawyer would help you to get all sorts of details from your cases sorted; he would discuss the case, its possible outcomes, and the repercussions –if any- of the verdict for the case. He would help you to step out smoothly from all the legal procedures while ensuring that you do not face any obstacles or difficulties. A good lawyer would;

  • Make sure to use all resources to create a strong case for you
  • Inform you of about all your rights and make sure you are not deprived of your basic rights that the constitution allows
  • Guide you through the local justice system with detailed knowledge of how different legal processes are completed
  • Keep you posted about your case and provide useful inside information to help you make better and informed decisions
  • Assess your case and help you decide if you are to agree on Plea Bargains with the defense attorney
  • Help you to clear your criminal history, providing you a fresh start with the new clean slate